HP Student Council

student councilSponsor: Mr. Lin (Email)

The HP Student Council helps bring together leaders of our school to help serve others around the school and community. Student Council for 2023-2024 will form at the beginning of September and run through late-April to May. Applications for student council will be available in early August. Meetings will take place twice a month, after school, targeted toward one Wednesday a month and one Monday a month. Exact dates will be available once the Student Council is selected. We will do activities like PB & J sandwiches for the Rescue Mission, food drives, candy grams, bake sales, and clothing drives, along with other service projects.

Please contact Mr. Lin in room 112 if you have any questions!

-Must maintain a C or better average in the classroom
-Must be an exemplary citizen in and outside of school
-Must be willing to help others
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