Physical Education

PEWelcome to Physical Education, where you will be challenged, treated fairly and have many opportunities to partake in a variety of activities while at the same time, have fun! You will participate in Physical Education every day, Mrs. Redd’s Class will have Health on Wednesday’s and Mr. Marshall’s class will have Health on Thursdays.

The goals of the Physical Ed. program are as follows:
• Apply basic fitness components and integrate with health education
• Demonstrate concern for safety of self and others
• Demonstrate use of and respect for property and equipment
• Apply rules and strategies for a variety of games and activities while demonstrating good sportsmanship and teamwork
• Make proper choices to promote a healthy lifestyle
• Demonstrate skills specific to each unit

Guidelines for Your Successful Participation:
• Dress in appropriate Phy Ed. Attire Daily
• Follow Directions
• Listen Carefully
• Give your maximum effort daily

Physical Education Rules:
• You must wear appropriate clothes to class.

• No gum, food, or beverages other than water allowed during class. Water bottles will stay on the stage. There are a few water fountains always available as well.

• If you are unable to participate in Physical Education class due to illness or injury, see the teacher and further instruction will be given. A doctors note may be necessary.

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